Friday, November 9, 2007

It's now or never

So finally the night came when Nick decided to see if Pam may want more than just a friendship. Being so young, he was still VERY unsure of himself and worried that any sexual advance might be met with rejection. Nick never wanted to be rejected. Fortunately for him, Pam did quite the opposite this night. The couple spent very little time on the couch before moving to the bedroom.


Pam said...

When I first read that I thought you had really skipped forward, but now I realize that the "quite a while" from my previous post translates into "a few days" in the relationship arc.

It's kind of a dog years scenario..."nickandpam time."

By the way, I'm only cool with your name coming first because it's in alphabetical order that way.

Nick said...

Actually, in retrospect I would've named it "pamandnick", not because I think that "Pam" should come first necessarily, but because I'm uncomfortable with the two N's running together.