Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Nick's turn to be oblivous

Nick was a little worried that Pam was unwilling to set a specific date for their upcoming nuptials, but this didn't really bother him all that much. He was still happy to have found Pam and was looking forward to their married life together. He, too, was still very young and restless and had no business even considering marrying anyone, but this sensible way of thinking was lost on him altogether. Other signs that Pam may be having second thoughts followed soon afterwards, all of which Nick chose to ignore. That is, until the day Pam decided to move out.

Monday, November 12, 2007

The proposal

Nick, never opting to do things in traditional ways, didn't go with the standard "Will you marry me?" He simply said "Well, I guess we should get married, huh?" To which Pam responded "Yeah, I guess so." Nick didn't have an engagement ring to present but to his surprise Pam said she did. She had been saving her grandmother's ring and wanted to use that. Being so young and relatively new in his job at the time, Nick wasn't going to be able to afford the nicest ring in the world, so Pam's willingness to provide said item was a nice "value add" (if you will) to the engagement. Once these things were settled, there's a greater than zero chance that both of them just went back to sleep.

Friday, November 9, 2007

It's now or never

So finally the night came when Nick decided to see if Pam may want more than just a friendship. Being so young, he was still VERY unsure of himself and worried that any sexual advance might be met with rejection. Nick never wanted to be rejected. Fortunately for him, Pam did quite the opposite this night. The couple spent very little time on the couch before moving to the bedroom.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The validation of Nick

And so Nick, this shy person, not knowing how to deal with women, much less a woman of this stature, gets some amount of validation. This should lead to the next step. But does it? Or does it not?

In the beginning...

One day Nick met Pam. But he didn't actually meet her. He saw her. He wanted to meet her, but he was way too intimidated by her rare combination of beauty and intellect. So Nick thought to himself "maybe I'll just send her an email and see if she replies."